Emerging Leaders Program

Emerging Leaders

ICLD 1.2 Lincoln on Leadership: Discussion Board

Instructor: Dr. Mitch
  1. Post a new discussion related to the topics covered in this module.  Your post needs to provide specific lessons learned with examples from this module helping you enhance your leadership capacity at work.
  2. After posting your discussion, review posts provided by other students in the class and reply to at least one of them. 


  • As a leader, President Lincoln was an exceptional example of self-leadership. He was always able to lead himself before leading others. He understood that to be a good leader, practicing self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-motivation was crucial.

    One of the critical lessons I learned from the Foundations and Principles module is that self-leadership is the foundation for leading others. As a leader, you must know your strengths, weaknesses, and values and how they impact your decision-making process. You must be able to regulate your emotions, stay calm under pressure, and remain focused on the task. You also need to be self-motivated and clearly envision where you want to go.

    President Lincoln embodied all these traits and used them to lead his country through one of the most challenging times in its history. He knew he needed to lead by example and set the tone for the rest of the country. He was honest and humble and always put the country’s needs before his own.

    As a leader, I have applied these lessons to my work. I have focused on developing self-awareness and regulating my emotions, especially in high-pressure situations. I have also worked on identifying my values and aligning them with the goals of my organization. Doing so has led my team more effectively and inspired them to achieve their full potential.

    In conclusion, President Lincoln was an excellent example of self-leadership, and his leadership style and persuasion concept inspire leaders today. By practicing self-leadership, we can enhance our leadership capacity and become more effective leaders in our organizations.

  • This lesson had several key points that are all valuable to look at. The ones that really stood out to me was again as in lesson one, trust. Obviously, that trust has to be a two-way street; you as a leader need your team to trust you but on the same token as a leader, you have to trust your team and that they are capable of making decisions in the best interest of the company/organization.

    The other bounces off of trust, allowing your team to implement their ideas to achieve a goal versus you going and telling them what to do to achieve that goal. We all have different assets that we bring to the team and we have to remember that there are multiple ways to achieve a goal.

  • Lincoln’s view on leadership and how it executed it is very interesting to me. After viewing this lecture I know that I need my supervisors to be less “boss” and more leader. I am going to try and emulate Lincoln in trying to “suggest” techniques and tactics to accomplishing my organization’s mission.

    This lesson also reminds me that I need to work on my public speaking skills. The point he made about making mistakes while speaking publicly is something that resonates with me, the last thing I want to do is embarrass or “let down” my team. I look forward to reading the book and learning more about Lincoln’s leadership style and implementing at least part of it into my leadership style.

    • Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Lincoln’s leadership style. It’s essential to understand that authentic leadership involves guiding and motivating people toward achieving a common goal rather than bossing people around.

      Public speaking is an essential skill for effective leadership. Practice makes us better.

      I wish you all the best in your leadership journey and hope you find the book helpful in implementing Lincoln’s leadership style into your approach.

  • Very interesting, their are many times that when I am challenged by teammates that I want to blow my top and scream at them. This gives me positive tools to deal with that frustration.

    I feel like I have a good grip on self awareness, but the other strategies offered will certainly help me become a better leader and communicator.

  • One of the most important concepts that I took from this lecture is the idea of self leadership, or leading yourself first. Good leadership is dynamic and requires a combination of several skills. The strategies mentioned for self leadership are self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-regulation. These skills combined help increase our emotional intelligence which helps us have awareness and management of our emotions which can help build relationships. Self-awareness specifically is a foundational skill, when we are aware of our emotions and have an understanding of our tendencies, or what “pushes our buttons,” we can better understand and control our emotions in these situations.

    Dr. Larry Long also mentions that trust is the essential building block for successful relationships. The followers need to trust their leaders for them to be effective. Leaders should also trust their followers. One part of the book that stood out to me was how Lincoln trusted his generals and wanted to delegate authority and responsibility to them. He trusted them to make their own decisions and to use their own judgement. Sometimes this can be a difficult thing to do, but it is important to give your subordinates the tools and knowledge they need to complete a task and then trust and support them to complete it. Trusting them can encourage and persuade them to rise to meet expectations. As a leader in my organization when I trust my subordinates to complete a task and encourage them to use their own judgement I have found that they work harder. They are not afraid of letting the organization down, but they are afraid of letting their leaders down.

    • I agree with your statement of allowing to let them to make decisions and doing this gives them a sense of ownership which they take pride in and do not want to let down their leaders in the task they are seeking to accomplish. Allowing them to invest, with their ideas only benefits the organization.

  • This was a great lesson and am looking forward to reading the entire book. Lincoln’s most important leadership style is persuasion. I strongly agree that this has a large impact on leading vs managing. In the lesson, they say that the power to motivate rests solely on their ability to communicate effectively, and persuasion is a big piece of that. Team members must “buy in” to the vision of their leaders for the organization to be successful. By establishing clear goals and persuading subordinates to believe in them, it will provide unity within the organization, motivate staff, and focus attention and energy in the right places. It’s also very important to be consistent, fair, and decisive. Staying in touch and spending time with subordinates “in the trenches” will help leaders learn, connect, and also help reinforce values.

    • I agree with the buy in vision, Lincoln although didn’t always look like a friendly guy demanded respect but also gave it out. He wasn’t afraid to remove someone from a leadership role if they weren’t leading the way he wanted.

  • This lecture and how President Lincoln is still perceived to be one of the top leaders in our nation had similarities from previous lecture. It was Trust. President Lincoln believed that trusting the people in his alliance was the key to a success and when he discovered how it impacted he was able to build on the aliances created. I also liked how he emphasized the coach and council approach. He believed that if you coached and provided the tool needed to your subordinates than they would succeed. This again, demonstrated the trust aspect of Lincoln not wanting to loose confidence in your subordinates abilities. Because if the leader lost confidence then the team would fail. So, building and restoring confidence in your team will ultimately restore and produce successful outcome. Another thing i thought was intriguing was that even Lincoln believed that the best leaders never stop learning. I truly believe this is right on point. I learn from my team daily and I hope that I can continue to show things that will help inspire them so that the learn and grow in their profession.

    • I agree, trust is an important quality in a leader. The subordinates must trust the leader, but the leader must also trust his subordinates. Lincoln encouraged his generals to take initiative and use their judgement. This is a quality of competent leadership, to delegate responsibility and authority. This also empowers subordinates to act on their own and make their own decisions. This requires a large amount of trust in their ability.

      • I agree 100%, without trust there is no relationship, without a relationship there is no way to accomplish the mission or the tasks.

  • I can appreciate the ability to communicate with subordinates easily and frequently with the various technology that is available to us today. One lesson that I can take away from this is to not respond to negativity unless it seriously impacts the agency I work with. I like the idea to respond in a letter and not mailing the letter. Whereas, communicating with subordinates comes more easily today compared to Lincoln’s time period, it would also be easier today to respond to negativity. What I will put into practice from this lesson is to write my responses and then don’t send them.

  • I found myself enjoying this module and really appreciated Lincoln’s thought processes on leadership and dealing with adversity. I am just starting the book ‘Lincoln on Leadership’ and I am anticipating it will be filled with good insights. There are a few points in the lecture that I really appreciated. In particular, ‘prioritizing objectives,’ ‘persuade rather than coerce’ and ‘handling unjust criticism.’

    As a relatively new supervisor of a little over a year, I tried to compare my actions, experiences and leadership style with what was being introduced in the module. It was refreshing to hear that objectives needed to be prioritized. I believe as leaders there is a high degree of responsibility and many times there feels like there is too much to do. Its difficult to manage and complete the sometimes numerous tasks given to a front line supervisor. At least in my agency, there are many personnel to manage in a large geographical area. Focusing and prioritizing the most important tasks is important.

    I believe the persuade rather than coerce concept, definitely falls on the ‘trust is the foundation of leadership’ concept. Relying on authority or position for compliance does not foster respect or a collective focus on the common goal. People should be persuaded toward your and the agencies goals. People should be recognized for their accomplishments and defended when they fail. This will breed loyalty. Their work will become a common goal not a task under your leadership.

    The discussion around unjust criticism hit home as well. As the module discussed, human nature cant be changed and only behavior modified to a degree. I have discovered human beings can be jealous and insecure. In the past, I have heard the ‘shit talking’ without having all the facts and only to discredit a person. Often times because that person had rank or a position that was coveted. It seems detractors come with success and an unfortunate biproduct of success itself.

  • Lincoln had many great views and principles when it came to leadership and having the ability to lead individuals without dictating. According to Dr. Long (2017), Lincoln believed great leaders needed to get out and circulate with their subordinates. Being in touch with the frontline staff allows the leaders to be able to listen and teach but it also facilitates innovation as well as providing the leader and the subordinate time to get to know one another (Long, 2017). I have always found it important to have informal or casual interactions with my members, however, recently I have had the opportunity to have a more hands on approach with two of my newest members. I have to agree that this has been paramount to me recognizing areas of deficiencies and success but more importantly it has allowed me the opportunity to get to know my members and for them to get to know me. I am going to continue to incorporate this type of leadership in my unit to help us grow as a team.
    Long, L. (2017). Lincoln on leadership. 1.2, Week # 1. National Command and Staff College. Retrieved from https://cloud.scorm.com/content/courses/

  • Setting goals and be results-oriented is something the struck me to be important. If you are at the top of the leadership chain then you would be setting the goals and standards for everyone. If you are a subordinate leader then you would be reinforcing the goals and standards. But at all levels must seek results. You can go through the motions and just get something done and honestly we might all do that from time to time. But leaders should set realistic and attainable goals so their subordinates and meet them. A leader should encourage their team to meet the goals set. They should develop a plan using impute from all persons involved and available resources. Leaders should work with the team to get the desired result don’t just direct and encourage but be involved. Leaders at all levels establish and reinforce the standards. Hold you and yourself accountable for your actions and those of your team.

    • I wanted to add that the agency I work for, the leaders also encourage each individual to also set personal career growth goals. I appreciate this and it reminds me to reflect on my personal career goals and to develop a plan to attain these goals.

    • I like your comment about setting goals. I also believe that this was interesting. Members of team I have them establish goals that are long term and short term (period of 3 to 7 years). When I bring on a new person I want to see what their motivation is and how then plan to achieve the goals set. I also will follow up with the during this process to help them succeed and provide tools that can allow them to want to achieve the goal set.

  • Mastering the art of public specking and keeping people engaged is very fundamental part of leadership. If your subordinates are not willing listen to you, it makes it difficult to form other valuable traits like trust, loyalty and building confidence. Lincoln had a way with words which made it easier for him to capture all the other important traits of leadership.

    • Samuel. I agree that public speaking is an important component of leadership. There are many aspects of leadership and I find myself having the most difficulty with the social part. I am an introvert and an analytical person but overall have good communication skills. I’m just not good at the social part. In my experience, positive and consistent actions can overcome the public speaking part. I try to be consistent in how I treat everyone and I am always there to help. I believe this has earned me respect and a positive image despite being a less social person. I believe this is along the same lines as the ‘natural leader’ vs ‘those who have to work at it’ concept.

    • I think order of operations is important. I don’t believe subordinates will “buy in” to your ideas as a leader unless they first have respect, trust, and confidence in your abilities and character. That is where persuasive speaking and spending time in the trenches with them is important.

  • Allowing your subordinates to make their own decision but within policy, shows that you as a leader that you trust them. They’re going to learn from their mistakes if mistakes are made. They must think about their decisions and how it will benefit reaching their goals individually or as a whole. Being able to listen to your subordinates ideas and plans. Whether that may not be the proper way to reach the end goal guiding them to the right way is best. Give credit where credit is due.

    • Great point let people develop themselves, encourage the thought possesses they use to complete a mission. People learn from mistakes and failures just as much from success. As long as a mistake is not mission-critical then allow it to be made. When a subordinate completes a task or fails to complete go back and talk about what they could have done differently to improve.

    • I have to agree that it is important to allow subordinates to come up with their own solutions to problems and complete their tasks the way that best works for them as long as they aren’t breaking any policies. We are all unique so we aren’t all going to complete tasks the same way. The was a great point made during the module; leaders can’t be everywhere all the time and we have to trust our members that they are going to make the right decisions and the members have to feel confident that their leader trust them to make the right decision.

  • As a good leader, I find that communication is key to being a great leader. There’s more to communication then just speaking to people. You need to be able to adapt your communication style. You should be able to actively listen to others (listen more than you speak), have transparency, have empathy and be good at receiving and implementing feedback. I will base my leadership capacity at work with these communication skills.

  • As a good leader, I believe that empowering your subordinates with the freedom of being able to choose while concentrating on tasks in lieu of being given commands or systematic instructions. This can be more fruitful at accomplishing the overall goals and daily tasks. Some subordinates may need reinforcement due to previous life experience, but the overall goal is getting them to want to make the best choice for themselves instead of consistently being told what to do and waiting for what is next. If they are a part of the plan (which inspires creativity and ingenuity), there will be a higher likelihood of a productive outcome that pleases not only the subordinate, but also the leader immediately above, and possibly higher. Giving the subordinates the ability to think for themselves brings a boost in confidence and morale by their own doing, even though that was your overall goal.

    • It definitely gives a boost in confidence by being able to make our own decisions. The level of trust is there, but should always be done within reason. When correction is needed is should be dealt with in a proper manner.

  • I am confident that there are many, especially in this profession, that will not look on fondly at my greatest takeaway here. That being said, the thing I really feel most compelled by was President Lincoln’s view on the importance of humor in leadership. I have felt this is one of the most important aspects of my life. Not just to bring smiles and laughter to people, but to break down barriers and open up everyone to honest and heartfelt communications. Nothing, in my opinion, forms better bonds then laughing and joking with another person.

    I believe, confidently, that leadership becomes easy when you have strong, meaningful, relationships with those who would follow you. Your subordinates need to see you as human, flawed, relatable, and approachable. Having a sense of humor and applying that, especially in this career, goes a very long way. This doesn’t mean we need to fill our read-off rooms with continuous loops of Will Ferrell movies… But think back to those tiring, boring, horrible lectures we’ve all sat through in every training class. The one led by the creative, clever, witty instructor whose banter kept us laughing and engaged; that training was the most effective and most meaningful.

    • I agree with Smith, many times “joking around” with your subordinates can be looked down upon. Instead it should show windows of opportunity to know your people on a person level. They may share their believes, likes, life stories and emotions. On the contrary, these moments sometimes get out of hand and things might get inappropriate. As long as there is a balance and the subordinates stay respectful with this type of fellowship. This may also be a great opportunity to get your personal values and vision across to them in a non-formal way.

  • I am a Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPAC) evaluator and am testing the system

  • The most illuminating part of this module for me was the critical importance that Lincoln placed on communication, in any of its various forms.

    While many are familiar with Lincoln’s more well-known messages, including the Gettysburg Address and the Emancipation Proclamation, I had not recognized the massive volume of material left behind by the late President. His practice of intentional, thorough, clear messaging and communication is one that any aspiring leader should take to heart. He consistently took this same approach, whether he was focused on one man, a large crowd, or an entire nation.

    My favorite quote among those listed was, “I determined to be so clear that no honest man could misunderstand me and no dishonest one could successfully misrepresent me.”

    • President Lincoln was one of the greatest story tellers of his time. He was renowned for his ability to tell stories for hours on end and to leave his audience sometimes crippled with laughter. But they would listen, intently, for hours. Their barriers would be broken and communication could be honest, forthcoming, and illuminating. Not just because of his ability to talk, but his ability to get points across in his stories.

      • Two of President Lincoln’s great leadership traits were integrity and communication. I can’t help but think how differently the history books would be if he was the president with today’s media. I don’t think today’s media would refer to him as “Honest Abe.”

      • Two of President Lincoln’s great leadership traits were integrity and communication. I can’t help but think how differently the history books would be if he was the president with today’s media. I don’t think today’s media would refer to him as “Honest Abe.”

    • Communication is key in almost every aspect of life, not only in this profession. We communicate verbally and non-verbally as a means to survive. Portraying a positive approach that inspires and encourages while enabling self-esteem boosting is far superior compared to giving commands 100% of the time. Focusing on the main message or goal is extremely important, as those that can envision the overall outcome, will choose to follow and complete the lesser important tasks with a positive attitude.

  • I am a Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPAC) evaluator and am testing the system.

  • I am a Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPAC) evaluator and am testing the system.

    • I look forward to having the books arrive, as well.

      If the quotes discussed in the module videos are representative of the material in the book, it should be an informative text from which we can learn much about communication.

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