Emerging Leaders Program

Emerging Leaders

ICLD 4.1 Self-Management Skills: Discussion Board

Instructor: Dr. Mitch
  1. Post a new discussion related to the topics covered in this module.  Your post needs to provide specific lessons learned with examples from this module helping you enhance your leadership capacity at work.
  2. After posting your discussion, review posts provided by other students in the class and reply to at least one of them. 


  • This module focused on the skills to help live on purpose, not by accident. 12 skills were covered, all were essential skills in order to live a healthy well-rounded life. One that stood out to me was skill 5 – identifying your values and setting priorities. When police officers first begin their careers they sometimes lose sight of what is important and become emersed into the job. It is important to find balance between work and family, and by setting clear priorities they can learn to focus their efforts on what truly matters.

  • I recently completed a self-management module that taught me 12 valuable skills. These skills include grounding, centering, belief clarification and resolution, specifying personal purpose and vision, identifying your values, life planning to provide motivation and balance, educational planning, career planning, time and priority management, stress management, energy management, and maintaining a positive mental attitude.

    Grounding is the practice of connecting with the present moment while centering is the practice of finding inner balance. Belief clarification and resolution is identifying and resolving limiting beliefs that may hold you back. Specifying personal purpose and vision helps you to set clear goals and focus on what truly matters to you.

    Identifying your values allows you to align your actions with your beliefs and priorities, while life planning provides motivation and balance by helping you to set achievable goals. Educational and career planning are crucial for long-term success, while time and priority management help you make the most of your time.

    Stress management is essential for maintaining mental and physical health, while energy management helps you to stay focused and productive. Finally, maintaining a positive mental attitude is vital to achieving success in all aspects of life.

    The 12 skills learned from the self-management module are essential for personal growth and success. By incorporating these skills into my daily life, I am confident I can achieve my goals and live a fulfilling life.

  • These first 12 skills were based on the art of living and working effectively with a purpose. It requires the personal mastery of continually clarifying and deepening our personal vision and focusing our energy in a balanced way. All of these are required to have a good foundation for us to be successful in our lives and at work. Frankly this has nothing to do with being a leader, it’s skills/principles everyone should have in life to be their best selves and living their life to the fullest and happiest way. As a leader however, these skills are essential for us to be successful since others rely on us.

    I think skill #9, time-management, made a great point that people who work as first responders generally are in a reactive environment at work. They respond to calls. They can be proactive if/when they want, but generally it’s just what comes across their CAD for the day rather than a full case load with no instructions of how to do anything or when. Prioritizing tasks and creating a plan seems like a good way to make the transition from front line worker to a supervisory position.

    • I completely agree with your thoughts on the first 12 skills that are required for living and working effectively with a purpose. Personal mastery and continuous improvement are essential for a strong foundation for success in both personal and professional lives. As you rightly mentioned, these skills are not just for leaders but for everyone to be their best selves and live their lives to the fullest.

      Regarding skill #9, time management, it is a crucial skill that can help individuals prioritize their tasks and manage their time effectively. As you mentioned, people who work as first responders are often in a reactive environment, and prioritizing tasks can help them transition from a front-line worker to a supervisory position. It can also benefit leaders to prioritize their tasks and delegate responsibilities to their team members to ensure everyone is working towards the common goal.

      Overall, I agree with your thoughts, and thank you for sharing your valuable insights on this topic.

    • I agree that as a supervisor time management is extremely important. I felt that the workload kept me extremely busy as a patrol officer, when I promoted to sergeant somehow my workload doubled. There are more responsibilities and a lot more paperwork, plus finding time to be out in the field with the people who work for me. Prioritizing tasks and creating a plan for the day definitely helps out while remembering to be flexible with the plan as the priority calls often win the day.

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