Emerging Leaders Program

Emerging Leaders

ICLD 4.2 Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Management: Discussion Board

Instructor: Dr. Mitch
  1. Post a new discussion related to the topics covered in this module.  Your post needs to provide specific lessons learned with examples from this module helping you enhance your leadership capacity at work.
  2. After posting your discussion, review posts provided by other students in the class and reply to at least one of them. 


  • This module was helpful in understanding natural styles of communicating and was a good explanation of the four Facilitative Conditions: genuineness, empathy, respect, and specificity. I specifically liked the video of leadership as a contact sport. Nothing works better than interaction with colleagues. The 8 steps include ask, listen, think, thank, respond, involve, change and follow up. Developing yourself as a leader can be difficult sometimes when a lot is expected of you and leaving less time for development. The 8 steps can help leaders learn on the job as they do their best to develop themselves and their employees. The steps help them stay engaged and connected to their employees at the moment.

  • Throughout the Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Management module, I discovered a wealth of information regarding effective communication skills. I learned the importance of self-disclosure, image management, and impression management in establishing trust and building solid relationships. Attending and observing skills were also emphasized, as well as the ability to suspend one’s frame of reference to understand another person’s perspective better.

    Questioning and active listening were also highlighted as critical components of effective communication. Responding with understanding and assertiveness were discussed as valuable tools for resolving conflicts and maintaining healthy relationships. Additionally, I gained insight into the value of confrontation and challenge in addressing issues and holding oneself and others accountable.

    Overall, this module gave me valuable insights and practical tools for improving my communication skills and managing conflicts in my personal and professional life. I am better equipped to handle difficult conversations and build stronger connections with others.

    • Resolving conflicts can sometimes be tricky but you are right, effective communication is key. Asking the right questions can help gain insight and clarity for yourself on the issue. Assertiveness helps deliver a message clearly and with clarity. I’ve found that lacking assertiveness in communication an lead to resentment developing and unnecessary arguments. Assertiveness in communication leads to more honest communication.

  • Skills cluster #2 was focused on interpersonal communication skills and conflict management. These skills are essential for us to be effective leaders. Leaders need to identify their skills deficits and work to improve them. Deficiencies can lead to reduced trust and confidence as well as lowered team performance. These skills are helpful in any interpersonal communication setting, whether in our personal lives or at work, but as leaders, people are relying on us to be the best we can at the skills in this segment.

    One of the most important skills in this segment for me was #20, Listening. We’ve talked a lot of about listening in this course already and it’s critical to becoming an effective communicator. As leaders, we must give our full attention, suspend our judgement, and let other people finish their thoughts before asking questions. We need to listen carefully to words (and body language) to avoid conflict and misunderstandings. By actively listening, we will show our staff that we respect and support them, and they’ll feel heard.

    • Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Skills Cluster #2. I agree that interpersonal communication and conflict management are crucial for effective leadership. It is great to see that you recognize the importance of identifying skill deficits and working to improve them. This is a sign of a growth mindset, which is essential for leaders to have.

      I also agree with you that listening is one of the most essential skills in this segment. Active listening is crucial for understanding the needs and concerns of team members and avoiding conflicts. When we listen actively, we show our team members that we value and respect them. This helps create a positive work environment where everyone feels heard and understood.

      Overall, you have a great understanding of the importance of interpersonal communication skills and conflict management for effective leadership. I wish you all the best in your leadership journey.

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